曾在Ultra、Coachella亮相的歌曲《There For You》,是Martin Garrix與歌手Troye Sivan近期合作的作品,曾在5月6號的訪談中,Martin Garrix透露歌曲會在五月中旬發表,現在終於不負眾望,釋出歌曲以及mv!
歌手Troye Sivan是出生自南非的猶太裔澳洲人,聽起來有點複雜對吧?根據維基百科指出,Troye還小的時候,家人因為南非犯罪率逐漸攀升,而舉家搬到澳洲居住。他的父親Shaun Mellet出生自猶太家庭,因此Troye為猶太裔。
的他,更是全方位的藝人,曾出演X戰警系列電影、發行專輯,還是位youtuber!這次與Martin Garrix合作《There For You》,可說是天賦異稟的兩人絕佳的作品!
Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan《There For You》(2017-05發行)
Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan《There For You》歌詞:
[第一段主歌:Troye Sivan]
I woke up pissed off today
And lately, everyone feels fake
Somewhere, I lost a piece of me
Smoking cigarettes on balconies
[導歌:Troye Sivan]
But I can't do this alone
Sometimes I just need a light
If I call you on the phone
Need you on the other side
[副歌:Troye Sivan]
So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper
I'll be loud for you
But you gotta be there for me too
[Breakdown間歇:Troye Sivan]
But you gotta be there for me too
[第二段主歌:Troye Sivan]
Last year took a toll on me
But I made it with you next to me
Around the world and back again
I hope you're waiting at the end
[導歌:Troye Sivan]
But I can't do this alone
Sometimes I just need a light
If I call you on the phone
Need you on the other side
[副歌:Troye Sivan]
So when your tears roll down your pillow like a river
I'll be there for you
I'll be there for you
When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper
I'll be loud for you
I'll be loud for you
[橋段:Troye Sivan]
I got you, I promise
Let me be honest
Love is a road that goes both ways
When your tears roll down your pillow like a river
I'll be there for you
But you gotta be there for me too
[Breakdown間歇:Troye Sivan]
But you gotta be there for me too
[橋段:Troye Sivan]
Boy, I'm holding on to something
Won't let go of you for nothing
I'm running, running, just to keep my hands on you
There was a time that I was so blue
What I got to do to show you
I'm running, running, just to keep my hands on you
Running, running, just to keep my hands on you
Running, running, just to keep my hands on you
So I'm running, running, just to keep my hands on you
But you gotta be there for me too
[Breakdown間歇:Troye Sivan]
But you gotta be there for me too